Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Monday, May 14, 2007

The results from the Eurovision Semi Final

For those of you (us) who are interested in these things, the results of the vote from the Eurovision semi final have been released here.

Total score for the different countries was:
  1. Serbia - 298
  2. Hungary - 224
  3. Turkey - 197
  4. Belarus - 176
  5. Latvia - 168
  6. Bulgaria - 146
  7. Slovenia - 140
  8. Georgia - 123
  9. FYR Macedonia - 97
  10. Moldova - 91
  11. Portugal - 88
  12. Andorra - 80
  13. Iceland - 77
  14. Poland - 75
  15. Cyprus - 65
  16. Croatia - 54
  17. Albania - 49
  18. Norway - 48
  19. Denmark - 45
  20. Switzerland - 40
  21. The Netherlands - 38
  22. Estonia - 33
  23. Montenegro - 33
  24. Israel - 17
  25. Malta - 15
  26. Belgium - 14
  27. Austria - 4
  28. Czech Republic - 1

Norway got points from the following countries:

  • Andorra - 3
  • Armenia - 3
  • Denmark - 7
  • Estonia - 4
  • Finland - 1
  • Hungary - 1
  • Iceland - 7
  • Malta - 2
  • Moldova - 1
  • Montenegro - 2
  • Poland - 2
  • Portugal - 2
  • Spain - 4
  • Sweden - 6
  • The Netherlands - 3

And Norway gave the following points in the Semi Final:

  • The Netherlands - 1
  • Andorra - 2
  • Belarus - 3
  • Denmark - 4
  • Slovenia - 5
  • Turkey - 6
  • Latvia - 7
  • Serbia - 8
  • Hungary - 10
  • Iceland - 12
And let's all hope that this is the final posting I'll be making on this blog about the Eurovison, this year...


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