Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Monday, May 26, 2008

I won – and finally it’s pretty much official

For those of you who live in Norway and have the possibility, you should pick up an issue of this week’s Allers magazine and flip to the second to last page where they have information about what’s going to be in next week’s issue. There’s a photo that some of you might recognize and a text that translated roughly says:

Lena (37) quit her job: won novel writing competition in Allers.
Lena M Bakke cried when she was told that she had won Allers' big novel writing competition and the first prize of NOK 150 000. Now her series of novels about the Viking woman Borghildr Sigurdsdottir will be launched big in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

And for my Norwegian friends I’m including the Norwegian version as well:

Lena (37) sa opp jobben: Vant romankonkurranse i Allers
Lena M Bakke gråt da hun fikk vite at hun hadde vunnet Allers' store romankonkurranse og premien på 150 000 kr. Nå skal hennes romanserie om vikingkvinnen Borghildr Sigurdsdottir lanseres bredt i Norge, Sverige og Danmark.

I just found out, you can also actually see that very page on Allers’ website as well if you go here.

This is why my spring has been so terribly busy, writing and exams. I’m now working on book number five, and I’m so happy to be finished with my exams so that I can focus fully on writing.

It’s a great life – you gotta love it!


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