Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


But DO make sure it is for the correct party!!

I did my citizen's duty yesterday and went to city hall here in Oslo and voted in this year's election for new Parliament. The election day is really on the 12th of September, but for those of us who can't be home in our own constituencies on Monday we have to vote early enough for the votes to be sent back home.

What I voted for? The Labour Party of course! It was the Labour Party which governed this country after WWII, for almost 20 years - they layed the basis for the good social-democratic society we've got today. Unfortunately the right-winged forces are now trying to destroy this, but people still don't see it. There are so many that still don't recognize that if we allow the right-winged governement to continue it won't be long before this country is more like the USA, with much larger differences between the "classes", where the wealthy get even more rich and the poor will be a lot poorer than they are today.

I am both excited and dreading the upcoming election on Monday. All polls show that it is so close between the right-winged alternative and the left-winged alternative, it's really not a sure thing that we will get a new government after the election, a governement that will fight for the rights of regular working people.

I truly do worry what will become of this country if we are to keep struggelig with the right-winged parties in the government offices. Some of the consequences we already know, because of what they say in their programmes, and from what they've already done in this last period.

They have changed the labour law, making it a law to protect the directors, companies and society, not a law to protect the worker from abuse. They have changed the rules for how much overtime a worker has to do without getting extra pay, a change which might cost the average worker as much as 40 000 nkr pro year in lost income. They have changed the civil servant law taking away rights from the civil servants, some of which we've had since the 1920s.

They claim they are pro a free choice society, what most people don't get is that this isn't a free choice for most people - it is a free choice for those with enough money to buy the choice they prefer; in schools, in health care and all other areas of life.

I still really truly don't get it how so many of the regular working people with an average pay-check buy into the things the right-winged parties say - and even vote for them.

I'm very worried about the upcoming election...


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