Motocross in Namur

On Sunday the 6th of August I spent the day at some kind of motocross thing in Namur Belgium. A world cup race or something I think it was, because apparently some guy from Belgium, Stefan Everts, did so well that he became world champion for the 10th time.
Because I always think that you should not judge things without having tried them at least ones I had decided to spend the day at the citadel watching this thing.
We had to get up at 7 in the morning (on a Sunday!!!), and a few minutes after 8 we had to make a half an hour steep climb up to the citadel from our hotel that was at the base of it. I’m as a person always angry and bitter in the morning if the world decides to wake me before my body tells me it’s time to wake up, so my mood wasn’t the best – but I do like to walk (if not necessarily upwards for half an hour at 8 in the morning) and there was a lovely view.
When I finally got to the entrance I found it cost 45 Euros to enter. What the fuck? FORTY-FIVE bloody EUROS, what is this, a Robbie Williams concert (which would probably have been worth the money!!)? But as I already was awake, had done the steep climb and had agreed to come along for this thing, I did, after a lot of loud complaining, come along.

After that the day was mainly spent witting on a rock watching very loud motorbikes going round and round, 8 hours I spent like this (well, there was lunch around 1130 with some kind of strange burger, and then dinner around 3 in the local cafeteria which actually made a really really nice steak dinner – and the beer was great of course!).

It was a bit exciting the very first time the really good competitors got to the big hill and jumped high in the air – afters having watched that about 1000 times…. Not so much fun anymore!
Oh well, I’ve been there – done that! I can now with certainty say that I’m not the slightest interested in motocross and will probably never go see another race in my life again, but now that I argue that this sort of things bores me half to death I can actually back that argument up by having seen the real thing!
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