Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


No, I’m not dead and neither have I stopped blogging either, I’ve just not felt that I’ve had anything to blog about. And I don’t now either, but I felt as if this blogspot had been quiet for such a long time that I should just write something here to let you know that I am still alive and kickin’ and back in England where the sun is shining – and still I find that I miss Norway, a little bit, or rather friends and family there. But I’ll got back by the end of May and then my stay in England is very fast drawing to a end.

Sad news is that my friend who I was going to the Canary Islands with by the end of April had a really bad accident and we had to cancel that trip. The good news is that we have booked a new one on 30th of May for two weeks, hopefully she will have recovered sufficiently by then and will be able to truly appreciate our holiday.

I have now also joined Facebook, I think it should be possible for you to see my profile on this link. I was sceptical when I joined, but now I quite like it, just wish even more people I know would consider joining as well.

Anyhow, I’m off to uni soon so can’t sit here and write “nothing” for the world to see.


  • At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi babe :0)
    I'm soon back to normal.... as close to normal as I can be.. he he. Today I was able to move one of the fingers a little bit!!! 4 more weeks training and I can hold my guiness.... Big big hugs from me


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