1st of May – Labour Day
Being a Social Democrat of the Norwegian Labour party, I sort of feel compelled to write at least something about this day. But it is hard finding something to write about this day, because (and DO prepare to be shocked!!!) it has sort of lost its’ significance. I don’t really see what we gain by parading in the streets with poster demanding this or that, or saying something about… something…. for one day. There are so many wrongs in our society, and there are so many good causes to fight for – but to bring them all together, on one day, in one long parade, one demonstration, to me that just mean that none of them gets noticed at all.
Maybe it would’ve been better if there had been just one case, of big issue, that was demonstrated for all over Norway, and then those who really felt strongly about this one thing could go out and join the parade – perhaps then it would’ve had some significance, but as it is now…. no……I did actually walk in the parade in Oslo last year, together with the trade union school, but that was just to sort of have done it you know, to have participated in the parade in Oslo one year as well. I have been in the parade here in Solör a couple of times, when I was a bit younger (and perhaps a bit more idealistic), but really it is so small and so insignificant – who’ll ever notice? I think that in our society of today there are so many other ways of making your voice heard that are far more effective than joining the parade on 1st of May, and for me, it seems like at least some of those participating in the parade do this just to sort of show off what good social democrats they are, and there’s got to be plenty of other ways to do that, 364 other days of the year.
Having said that, I still feel it’s wrong that there are now more and more places of work that keep open on 1st of May. As this still is a National holiday, and it does traditionally have a significant meaning to most people of the working class, there should be some respect for that, and it seems so unnecessary for stores that sell plants (Plantasjen) to keep open on such a day when there are so many other days of the year that they get to sell their plants. To me it just seems like a provocation, and I just can’t see the reason to do that.
So, those are, I think my thoughts about 1st of May, I probably should “know better”, I mean with my political background and schooling from trade union school. And I really do recognize the importance of this day, historically, and I think it is important to remember those who have fought to gain the rights and privileges we have in our work life of today. But when fighting for our rights, here and now, I just don’t believe this is the way to do it.
And I’ll stop here, but leave you on this day with a photo from the parade that I DID participate in last year.
Maybe it would’ve been better if there had been just one case, of big issue, that was demonstrated for all over Norway, and then those who really felt strongly about this one thing could go out and join the parade – perhaps then it would’ve had some significance, but as it is now…. no……I did actually walk in the parade in Oslo last year, together with the trade union school, but that was just to sort of have done it you know, to have participated in the parade in Oslo one year as well. I have been in the parade here in Solör a couple of times, when I was a bit younger (and perhaps a bit more idealistic), but really it is so small and so insignificant – who’ll ever notice? I think that in our society of today there are so many other ways of making your voice heard that are far more effective than joining the parade on 1st of May, and for me, it seems like at least some of those participating in the parade do this just to sort of show off what good social democrats they are, and there’s got to be plenty of other ways to do that, 364 other days of the year.
Having said that, I still feel it’s wrong that there are now more and more places of work that keep open on 1st of May. As this still is a National holiday, and it does traditionally have a significant meaning to most people of the working class, there should be some respect for that, and it seems so unnecessary for stores that sell plants (Plantasjen) to keep open on such a day when there are so many other days of the year that they get to sell their plants. To me it just seems like a provocation, and I just can’t see the reason to do that.
So, those are, I think my thoughts about 1st of May, I probably should “know better”, I mean with my political background and schooling from trade union school. And I really do recognize the importance of this day, historically, and I think it is important to remember those who have fought to gain the rights and privileges we have in our work life of today. But when fighting for our rights, here and now, I just don’t believe this is the way to do it.
And I’ll stop here, but leave you on this day with a photo from the parade that I DID participate in last year.

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