Back from Ireland

I’ve been to Ireland for five days, attending a wedding in Castleblayney on the weekend and then spent a couple of days in Dublin. I’ve never been to Ireland before and I had a marvellous time, the wedding of my friends Dawn and Martin at Hope Castle was so lovely. And exhausting, but I suppose that is what Irish weddings are supposed to be – I certainly felt it on Sunday that I had been to a wedding for 14 hours, till very early in the morning on Sunday.

It was also fun to see Dublin for the first time. We made a couple of trips to the Temple Bar area and got to hear some good Irish music accompanied with quite a few beers. We also went to see Dublinia, which is supposed to be a museum or exhibition from the Medieval and Viking Age Dublin, but we didn’t find it very interesting. There was nothing real there, everything was fake copies, and they looked quite cheap as well, and it seemed more to be directed at school children than adults.

Got back to Norway this afternoon and tomorrow I’m going to start editing book 4 of my Viking series. And I guess everyone who knows me have now got themselves a copy of this weeks Allers magazine and seen the article about me? If not, GO – BUY! And for all my English speaking friends, I will email it to you eventually when I’ve had the time to do the translation, so you’ll get to read it and see the photos as well.
And oh yeah, found out today that I got an E on my first exam, which kind of disappoints me a bit because I thought I’d done better, but really, it’s not that important so I’ll get over it! Just curious now how I did on the second one if the first one went this bad!
Now I’m off to bed. Five days in Ireland can be quite exhausting.
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