Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Would you belive this?

Even though the temperature has gone down about 5° I still find my brain almost at the boiling point, and I find it hard to write these days, in my blog or otherwise. Just to make sure those who might still visit this page don't get fed up with never finding anything new here, I'll tell a little (real) story.

It's sort of a follow up to my previous post.

In March this year I attended a one week history course at trade union school. At this course there were people from all sorts of trade unions all over the country. One of the other people in my class at this course was a somewhat older man of the sami people (the indigenous people of Scandinavia) and he claimed to be a "seer", that is someone who is able to see the future. On the very last evening of the course he suddenly came up to me and told me that the next time we meet at a course, I will have a fiancé. I laughed then and said well this means that it will be a long time before we ever meet at a course again because there is no one in my life at all right now, and he told me that we were to meet again at a course this autumn and that by then I would be engaged.

I have never really said that I don't belive in these sort of things, that someone has psycic powers and so on, as a big fan of both fantasy and sci-fi literature I have always liked to entertain the idea that there might be more to the world than the things we actually see. However, the minute he told me this I realized that I didn't belive it, not one bit. It seemed so very unlikely, and so totally not me that I just laughed again and said I didn't belive in things like these. He just told me it didn't mather because he could clearly see that it was true. He also told me that the guy I am supposed to meet is kind of tall and kind of dark haired.

First of all, I am pretty sure I'm not the marrying type. It could of course be fun to dress up in a white gown, gathering all my friends for a party and get lots of present - but other than that I don't really see the need for marriage.

Secondly, there isn't and hasn't been for quite a long time now anyone in my life that I'm even halfway interested in.

Thirdly, I'm not at all interested in getting very involved with anyone now, only about a year before I'm hopefully heading to England to do my Master's degree.

These are just some of the reasons why this seems so unlikely to happen in my life in the coming 3 - 4 months.

The strangest thing though is that when I tell people about this "prediction", a lot more people than I would have thought say that I shouldn't handle it so lightly, a prediction from one of the sami people.

Well, I still don't belive it! But, hey, if you should happen to see a kind of tall dark fellow with a ring who claims to be searching for someone called Lena, be sure to point him my way so that I can take a closer look at him!!!


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