Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I feel good…

I knew that I would…
Just thought that I’d share with the world that there is one thing on my list of things to do this summer that I can, well, not exactly cross off my list, but at least it means that I’ve started on it. I signed up with the local gym on Monday, went back for a session with an instructor on Tuesday, and today I had my first proper full work out, and it was great. It just made me wonder why I haven’t been in a gym for… well, a pretty long time… and I really can’t say. It just seems that even though I really like being at the gym, there are other things in my life that keeps me occupied as well. There are days when I go to bed I feel I’ve spent most of my day thinking about stories, or staring at the computer trying to find words, and I guess it just means that when I get completely drawn into other stuff, I just forget that my body needs exercise as well, and not only my mind.

My goal to begin with is going to the gym three times a week; feel free to ask in a couple of weeks if I’m sticking to my plan. Remind me to get away from the computer once in a while!


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