Bon Jovi

Wow, the days pass so quickly. I meant to be writing about the Bon Jovi concert on Thursday, the day after I’d been to it, but here I am, on a Saturday, finally getting a couple of words down.
The concert was awesome! Everything I expected it to be, and then some… And Jon Bon Jovi, what a man! It was a lot of fun, but, I don’t like it, but I have to admit that I’m now starting to get too old to be standing on my feet for six and a half hour. It was a killer on both my feet and my back, but still worth it, I guess.
I bought a new mobile phone the same day as the concert, a Nokia N82, so I’d be able to take some photos at the concert. I ended up taking about 70 photos, and a couple of short videos. Not very good quality I’m afraid, because it’s hard to keep the phone steady enough when using zoom. But, I’ve posted a couple of the photos here, and the rest of them are on Facebook for those of you who are among my friends there.

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