Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Where do birds go to die?

Occasionally I ask this question of people, and most of the time they look at me like I'm a little bit weird even for wondering!

But, really, it's a real question isn't it? I mean, even in the middle of the city there are thousands of birds, but still, how often do you actually see a dead one? Except for those that have obviously been hit by cars or killed by for example cats you never see a dead bird. There are so many of them, there's got to be a lot of them that actually die of old age, so why don't they drop dead around us all the time?

Where do birds go to die? Is there a risk if you're out for a walk in the woods that you'll suddenly run into an opening filled with millions of dead birds? Do they have their very own bird cematary that they all fly to when they feel that life is about to end? It just doesn't make sense does it? To me it seems a bit strange that even the inner city birds would fly out of the city into some forest somewhere to die.

Since no one has been able to give me a really good answer to this one yet, I'll try posting it here and see if there's anyone on the net who's thought about the same thing and actually might have come up with an answer as well!!


  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Lena M Bakke said…

    Thanx for the answer Karen. And even though I "buy" the theory of what happens to birds when they die, I must admit I really want the answer to be a little bit more fantastic than this. Must be the author in me, I still think there's a place in a forest or on a mountain somewhere - that when you get there it's a kind of creepy silene and everywhere you turn there are thousands and millions of dead birds - bird cemetary! Oh well.... that's my own idea of how it is anyway...


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