Extremely frustrated!!!
Today I decided that what I need to be doing is writing all of my old poems in Word on my laptop so that I can bring them with me to England without having to carry a lot of extra papers.
The thing about writing poetry is that you kind of decide yourself when I line has to end and a new one begin, and you also decide what feels right for when there's a new Big letter to start a line or a sentence...... not so with Microsoft Word, that program has decided that every new line MUST start with a big letter, and I've been searching the program through to find out how the fuck I turn off the auto-correction that tells my computer to do this, with no luck. I've spent more than an hour searching the help section, reading everything it says about auto-correction and big letters, still nothing.....
So what I have to do now when I type a poem I have to go through the whole thing afterwards correcting just about every line as it starts with a big letter.
If anyone has any idea of how to make this stop happening, please please do tell me - I would be ever so grateful as this thing has bugged me ever since I bought this computer. And the strangest thing is, with the OLD versions of Word it was really simple to turn of the auto-correction thing, with this newer version it's impossible to find out how. And I'm so mad and frustrated now that I feel like throwing my computer as far as I can get it!
Today I decided that what I need to be doing is writing all of my old poems in Word on my laptop so that I can bring them with me to England without having to carry a lot of extra papers.
The thing about writing poetry is that you kind of decide yourself when I line has to end and a new one begin, and you also decide what feels right for when there's a new Big letter to start a line or a sentence...... not so with Microsoft Word, that program has decided that every new line MUST start with a big letter, and I've been searching the program through to find out how the fuck I turn off the auto-correction that tells my computer to do this, with no luck. I've spent more than an hour searching the help section, reading everything it says about auto-correction and big letters, still nothing.....
So what I have to do now when I type a poem I have to go through the whole thing afterwards correcting just about every line as it starts with a big letter.
If anyone has any idea of how to make this stop happening, please please do tell me - I would be ever so grateful as this thing has bugged me ever since I bought this computer. And the strangest thing is, with the OLD versions of Word it was really simple to turn of the auto-correction thing, with this newer version it's impossible to find out how. And I'm so mad and frustrated now that I feel like throwing my computer as far as I can get it!
At 4:06 PM,
Roy Søbstad said…
Jeg har ingen praktiske tips å komme med, men har ihvertfall forståelse for frustrasjonen. Word er verdens mest irriterende program når det insisterer på å overkjøre brukeren. Og det gjør det jo stadig.
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