Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Book 11

I am these days editing book 10, and I’m writing a first draft of book number 11. A fairly detailed synopsis of book number 11 is ready, but I need to do a quite a bit of reading before I do the actual writing. Book 11 will involve Sami people, and I must admit I don’t know much about the Sami people, their culture and their history. I have borrowed some books at the library, and slowly I’m learning something.

What I have found out is that there are even fewer written sources about how the Sami lived during the Viking Age, than it is about the Vikings. This gives some freedom to a writer who’s making up stories about that time, but at the same time it means that there are a lot of traps to fall into. I have earlier mentioned that I want my books to be as historically correct as possible. I am very much aware that some times I do miss the target a little bit, but I do my best to not miss it completely. Thus, I does cause me some anxiety to mix the Sami, their religion, culture and history into book 11, but my story seems to demand it – so I’ll just have to keep reading and hope that the final result will be pretty much correct.


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