Happy Birthday!
For those of you who might not know, today on the 17th of May is Norway's national day. We celebrate it in remembrance of 17th of May 1814 when we got our constitution. All over the country people, especially children, will be putting on their best clothes, walking in parades with the Norwegian flag in their hand and shouting Hurray!
Me? Oh, I'll be watching it all on TV, and later on today I think we're probably off on a trip to... Sweden. But don't mention it to anyone; I'm not even sure if someone who is Norwegian is supposed to leave the country on such a day!!! :-)
But, hey, happy birthday everybody!
Me? Oh, I'll be watching it all on TV, and later on today I think we're probably off on a trip to... Sweden. But don't mention it to anyone; I'm not even sure if someone who is Norwegian is supposed to leave the country on such a day!!! :-)
But, hey, happy birthday everybody!
At 3:44 PM,
RennyBA said…
Thanks for the greating to the Norwegians and Happy 17th of May to you too:-)
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