Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Never heard of her!

The new minister of Defence is Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, I must admit I've never heard of her ever before - a completely new name to me.

I've googled her though, because I am of course curious about this person that's going to be our new "Boss". I found her CV on one of the Labour parties pages, and from what I can tell she's never worked for the Defence or had anything to do with the defence at all. This makes me a little bit sceptical, because I think that the ministers should have some knowledge of the area of which they are the minister. But hey, we've been so extremely unhappy with the minister we've had for the last 4 years, and she actually had a background from the Defence - so it can hardly get any worse than the last 4 years have been. And at least Strøm-Erichsen has the correct political background and will hopefully be easier to get into a dialogue with than the previous minister.


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