Life, the universe and ... oh, whatever ...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

What I did on my summer vacation - part II

From Thursday 29th of June to Sunday 2nd of July “Solör Mart’n” is arranged at Flisa (about 5 km from where I live). This is sort of like a fair or a market; all the shops and stores have special sales and most of them bring their things out on the pavement in front of their buildings, there is also a funfair for children. The best part however is that most of the year Flisa is a rather quiet place where not much goes on. There are a couple of pubs that are open on the weekend but not many people go there. During these 3 days of “Mart’n” approximately 30 000 people visit Flisa (Flisa has got about 3000 inhabitants of its’ own) and many of them come for the partying at night. It’s a gigantic party every night, with more places to party than the rest of the year, and the opportunity to meet people you haven’t seen for a really long time. Lots of people that have moved because of school or work do come back for “Mart’n” – and it’s just great!

I went to Flisa both on Friday and Saturday night. The first evening was so great and I don’t think I got back home till about half past 3 in the morning. Saturday wasn’t as great, mainly because I was slightly hangover all day long, and when I started drinking beer again in the evening, it didn’t taste as great as it did on Friday evening – I ended up going home early, around half past midnight. Today I kind of regret doing that, since this only happens once I year I should’ve made the most of it, but, what can I say, I must be getting old; I felt tired and at the time it seemed like a good idea to be going home early. At least I’m not hangover today, so it must’ve been good for something. And in about an hour I’m going to Flisa again to be doing some shopping, since all the stores are open from 2 till 5 this afternoon, and I’m sure, even though I’ve been shopping for the last 2 days there as well (and bought nothing else than DVDs….. I’ll tell you about those in a later posting here) that I’ll manage to find something to spend my money on today as well.

And next weekend is “Bättel” – I’ll explain this to you later today, or tomorrow, or anytime soon in the immediate future!


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