I’ve got my exams on the 15th and 20th of May, and I am still a bit behind on my reading, and I’ve got plenty of time to read these days, the only problem is that I’m SO fed up with reading right now – it seems I’m doing everything I can not to be studying. Right now for example I’m writing a blog post!
And my brain obviously tries to make the things I read more exciting than it really is. Yesterday I was reading about Norse Nouns, and there was a sentence that said: “Here accusative and dative are composed without an ending in the plural forms.” Then I looked at the paradigm, but there I could clearly see that dative plural did indeed have an ending, so I read the sentence again: “Here accusative and dative are composed without an ending in the plural forms.” Another look at the paradigm told me that yes, there was still an ending to the word in dative plural. I think I did this about 5 or 6 times, cursing the book and the world for making this more difficult than it ought to be by clearly having things printed that were just wrong. Then, the 7th time or something that I read the sentence it suddenly said: “Here accusative is composed without and ending in the plural form.” For some reason, every time I read the sentence my brain had been adding “and dative” to the sentence. I don’t know why my brain wanted to do this, just to screw with me I suppose and then see me despair when I couldn’t understand what was going on!! So, that’s me reading Norse these days, another 18 days to go.
On the 15th I’ve got my “Nordic oral languages” exam, I’m pretty confident that that’ll be ok. I still haven’t read everything I’m supposed to, but with a grasp on about 75% of the curriculum by now, I should be ok on the day of the exam.
I will be very happy though at 1300 on Tuesday the 20th of May when I’ve finished my last exam, this term. Next term I’m doing Nordic literature before 1900, and that’s got to be more intriguing than this.
So these are my days right now, and it seems I spend most of my time hoping for my email programme to give a sound that indicates there’s mail for me (and something from friends, not spam!) – or for my phone to ring or beep or something – anything, that’ll give me a break from studying.
And now I’ll go back to trying very hard not to be studying…