Well, I have told you a few things that I have done on my summer vacation and I thought I’d also share my future plans with you.
First though I should clarify: I call this my summer vacation because well, it is summer isn’t it, and lots of other people have got summer vacation so I think of it as mine as well. In reality though, my days now are really no different from what they were like in February or April or May, I’m still an online student with the University of Lancaster, I still try to make sure that I exercise at least 4 – 5 times a week, and I spend lots of time preparing for moving to Chichester. Still though, the summer is indeed a time for travelling and doing fun stuff with friends and that’s what I’ve been doing so far and plan to do in the next month too.
BättelNext weekend, the 7th to 9th of July, I’ll be camping with about 15 – 20 friends at Kynndammen in Finnskogen. Finnskogen is a large forest area not very far from where I live and Kynndammen is a small dam on the river Kynna in Kynndalen where it’s excellent to camp. Kynndammen is a rather large property that we rent through the local upper high school and it’s really a very nice place for camping. We bring along tents; small to sleep in and one large army tent that we can gather in at night. There is also a cabin at Kynndammen, without any water or electricity, but with 8 beds for those who prefer to sleep indoors. What we do this weekend is mainly just talking and partying and catching up. Some of these friends I hardly ever see during the rest of the year so Bättel is so great for meeting friends that I haven’t seen since last Bättel (we do this one weekend a year). On Saturday afternoon I also arrange a competition for all those at Bättel, this competition varies from year to year, but there is normally 8 different tasks that are competed in, both physically and mentally challenging – and it’s always great fun! This year so far I know that we’ll be at least 15 persons attending and the weather forecast so far says sunny and 26°C, so I have big hopes for this year’s Bättel as well.
Bierwoche – KulmbachFor the last 10 years or so (with the exception of one year about 3 – 4 years ago when I was ill) I’ve been on vacation in
Kulmbach in Germany from the last weekend of July, that’s when they’ve got their annual one week beer party; bierwoche. Normally this has been a great party, but last year the weather was awful, raining and about 12 – 15°C all week long, and it really wasn’t that much fun. At that time I said that I probably wouldn’t go back this summer. My plan was to go to Kulmbach to meet up with friends there earlier this year, but for various reasons I have not been able to do this so far. And now bierwoche is only a couple of weeks away (it starts on Saturday 29th of July) and I find that I’m actually planning to go back there this year too. Not so much for the bierwoche, but to meet friends that I haven’t seen for a year. I usually have the best of times in Kulmbach (and
Untersteinach which is where I actually live when I’m there) and now I feel myself really looking forward to making this trip again.
Apartment hunting – Chichester
I’ll return from my vacation in Germany around the 10th of August, and the week after that I’m planning to spend 3 – 4 days in Chichester to go apartment hunting. I was originally thinking about doing this in mid July, but I wasn’t sure that if I find a place that I like that the estate agent would allow me to sign a contract from 1st of September when that was still 1 ½ month away – so I’ve pushed this vacation plan into mid August instead.
StudiesWhat I will have to be doing all summer through is keep working on my studies. During July/August I will finish my online course with the University of Lancaster, but this isn’t the only thing I’ll be doing.
I got a large envelope from the
University of Chichester a couple of days ago, and they’ve already given me homework, things I have to read and write before school starts on the 2nd of September. I think it’s great. I’ve been looking forward to this for quite some while now, and starting to do some real work that prepares me for university life; it makes it all seem so much more real.
So, I guess those are my main plans for this summer. I might spend some days in Oslo with friends as well, but those plans aren’t fixed yet – I’ll let you know when and if that happens!!